Yay, we eventually got to make Hello Kitty cookies a few weeks ago, these are just a few ones from the order. The cookies are sugar biscuits with a layer of meringue topped with Fondant and finished off with Royal Icing.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A selection of cupcake, heart and round cookies. They are all sugar biscuits with a layer of meringue and topped with fondant.
Cupcake cookies
We never seem to take photo's of our cookies so with this order I made a concerted effort and managed to get some shots of a selection of our sugar cookies topped with a layer of meringue and fondant on top.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Dessert table
This was the dessert table we set up for a combined 40th. The couple are great friends of ours and the party rocked! It was held at a lovely venue in the picturesque town of Greyton, Western Cape.
Dee & Dirks 40th Birthday cake
A cake we made for good friends combined 40th Birthday. We had great fun working with the bright colours!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Christening cake
The customer loved My Sweethearts Bakery's baby on her three tiered Christening cake so asked us to make the same, we enjoyed making this cake but spot the mistake!! Thankfully we were able to change 2011 to 2010 without to much fuss (-:! We are clearly way ahead of ourselves, lol!!
Gnome and his toadstools...
Although we love doing little girls cakes we do enjoy creating fun cakes for boys too! This cake, which is a mud chocolate cake smothered in 70% Couverture Chocolate ganache, was made for a little boy celebrating his 1st Birthday. Happy Birthday Luca!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
2 very special Fairies.....
Mini cakes made for twins Ash and Ali with matching cuppies. Happy 1st Birthday gorgeous girls!
Off to the land of milk and honey.....

Off to the land of milk and honey....., originally uploaded by The Cupcake Tarts (previously Tutta Bella).
My oldest son - who is an avid golfer - celebrated his 19th Birthday last week and is about to embark on a 6 month trip to the USA - the cake was a Happy Birthday and bon voyage all in one.......have a blast Bradyn, we're going to miss you!!
Little Mermaid
We had such fun making this cake, partly because Michelle's daughter was acting in a local production of "The Little Mermaid" so we where all loving "under the sea" and "Mermaids" and hot "Princes"! And because as you all know by now we love making girly cakes, mind you, if we had put the Prince on the cake this would have made a great little boys cake to. We are always looking for inspiring ways to make boys cakes just as gorgeous as girls.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Major Mongoose
We made this cake for a young lady who celebrated her Birthday at a venue called Major Mongoose which is situated between Somerset West and Stellenbosch, it's great for kids, lots of activities for them to do whether it rains or not.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Globe cake
This was one of two cakes we made for a customer who's husband was about to go on a trip to the UK!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Our 1'st Barbie cake! Oh to be a little girl........
We had such a busy weekend, a lovely busy weekend, we hosted out first mini chefs Birthday party which we had great fun doing! We entertained 16 ten year olds who where mesmerized by Michelle who patiently taught them how to make butterflies, roses, toadstools and much more. They then decorated there own cupcakes with buttercream and fondant. The most difficult decision was whether or not they should eat their cuppies, they wanted to but also wanted to keep them to show and tell, so tempting!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sleepies tight........
Our "now fast becoming popular" babies under their blankies made for a boy babyshower. Pic taken with my blackberry so bad bad quality but I had to post this as they all look so peaceful......
Preggie lady
Our first Preggie lady request! This babyshower cake and cuppies was made for a pro-golfer who is expecting a little girl. We experimented a bit with the colours and instead of using our normal baby pinks and blues went with soft lime greens, turquoise and lavenders.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Bugs cake
We loved decorting this cake, the theme of the party was Bugs, the cake was a double layered mud choc cake, smothered in choc ganache and decorated with fondant. Unfortunately it was a rush photo taken with my phone so the bugs cannot be seen very clearly on top of the cake. The front plaque has the Birthday Boys name inscripted on it. I'm waiting for better photies, will post as soon as I get them!
Happy Birthday Gemma!
Gemma is at school with my 2 year old so it was a privilege that her folks asked us to make her Birthday cake. The party was held at a quaint venue called Behind the Green Door just outside the picturesque town of Stellenbosch. The kids all dressed up as Princesses and Pirates with Gemma being Queen for the day! Without realising it we put re-lighting candles on the cake, not even Dad could huff or puff the candles out!
Hush hush little one......
We had fun making this special Christening cake, it wasn't finished with our normal fondant icing as the customer specified buttercream. The cake was a moist vanilla cake which we smothered in white choc ganache then put the buttercream on top of the ganache, totally decadent!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Safari cake
Our first Safari cakes made for Raylin on his 1st Birthday! Mom sent us a pic of Raylin tucking into one of the cuppies that we made with the cake and he was clearly enjoying himself, there's nothing nicer than seeing a satisfied customer! Happy Birthday Raylin!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Vroom vroom.......
Winnie the Pooh
We've been doing quite a few kiddies parties lately and Winnie the Pooh seems to be rather popular among the tiny folk. We love The Pooh!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Aimee!
Monday morning......
What a great weekend, between getting our orders out and watching rugby, we celebrated Michelle's daughters 15th Birthday. It was a Vintage High Tea affair with a photo session courtesy of "Auntie Kim"!. Of course Vintage High Tea's are what we love so transforming Michelle's garden to into the old English country garden she would so love, but struggles to maintain, thanks to the wippy, salty South Easter, was great fun. I have to say the teenagers where extremely well behaved and it was lovely to hear them giggling over a cup of tea, very posh indeed!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Cupcake toppers boxed and ready...

Cupcake toppers boxed and ready..., originally uploaded by The Cupcake Tarts (previously Tutta Bella).
This is the box each guest received to decorate their cupcakes. See previous pic for the content of each box....
Cupcake toppers
We were asked to make cupcake toppers for a 12 year olds birthday. The "guests" where given gorgeous aprons, handmade by the Birthday girl then baked their own cupcakes and each one received their own box of cupcake toppers and decorations. We loved the idea and thought it was extremely innovative of this amazing 12 year old!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Winnie the Pooh - Eeyore
Baby shower
Our all time favourite cuppies, this design has been used for numerous celebrations but mostly for Baby Showers, in the past we have made them in various colours -fun brights, deep blues & greens and, of course, these gorgeous soft pastels, perfect for little girls.